mardi 26 mars 2013

The Best Gift Nature Has Offered in a Glass: Green Juice

Green is the color of nature, fertility, growth, balance and life and so is the green juice. As the title of this post indicates green smoothie or green juice is probably the best gift nature has offered for human being.

Girls, do you have any idea  how many minerals, vitamins and enzymes are in that one glass of juice? In fact, the fresh vegetables and fruits in this green juice do nourish our bodies for healthy skin, nails, teeth and it will also help you to lose weight :) and another good news, green juice works as an anti-aging , I don't mean you will be left with no wrinkles but most of us experience premature aging signs caused by unhealthy food and drinks, green juice help you to look younger :)

Green juice also helps your digestive system to get some rest since drinking juice is much quicker digested and absorbed with a minimal effort from our body. and we have to face the truth, it's easier to drink juice than to eat one big dish of salad in one sitting :)

Still not convinced!! what if I tell you that green juice is the best friend of most of Hollywood stars :)

Maybe you think that green juice does not taste delicious but believe me it tastes a lot better than it looks.. And if you are not a vegetable lover, here is another good news for you, you'll barely taste the vegetables in your juice at all :)

So let's see together how to make this priceless juice, but first let me clear up what's the difference between green juice and green smoothie: they are, indeed, made from the same vegetables and fruits but the only difference is the machine. Green juice is made with a juicer ( so you don't need any sort of liquid) and green smoothie is made with a blender (you should use some sort of liquid like water or milk)

This is how I make my green juice : I use spinach, carrot, appel, cabbage and I use a Moulinex juicer. You can use any vegetables (cucumber, celery, parsley, etc...) and any fruits (banana, strawberry, melon, etc...) you can also add lemon, ginger and mint (just a little bit) :)

Personally, I drink my green juice almost every day :) and I hope you will do too, you will not regret it :) I hope you like this post. Don't forget to leave your comments below and to like my facebook page My Muse: The Blog for more healthy and delicious recipes :) YOU ARE MY MUSE <3

vendredi 22 mars 2013

Tag: Liebster Award

Good evening girls :) Hope you had a great sunny day!!! Today, i woke up to a sweet surprise :) I was tagged by an adorable girl who I follow her blog regularly beautybyalma :) Thank you again sweety for tagging me <3

Here are the rules:

* Share 11 facts about yourself
*Answer the awarder's 11 questions
* Tag 11 bloggers and ask them 11 questions of your own
* Inform the 11 bloggers that they have been tagged
* Do not tag the person who tagged you

11 Fact About ME:
- I have Egyptian origins :)
- I have entomophobia ( fear of insects)
- I'm a huge horror movie fan :)
- I'm feminist :)
- I love collecting coffee mugs :)
- I'm an eyeshadow FREAK :)
- I have gamophobia (fear of marriage) :p
- I love the British flag :)
- I love fruity perfumes :)
- I'm with my boyfriend for almost 7 years :)
- I write novels in Arabic :)

Now, I'm gonna answer your questions Alma :)
  • What is your favourite makeup product?
Well, I will say definitely Essence gel eyeliner :)) I'm in love with this product , the application is super easy, it is really pigmented and it stays all the day :)
  • Do you prefer natural or dramatic makeup?
Both indeed!!! I usually wear natural makeup for everyday look and dramatic makeup for some parties :)

  • What is your favourite beauty care product?
I'll choose two :p Johnson's 24 moisture soft cream ( the best body moisturizer ever) and Pantene oil replacement.
  • The beauty mistake / faux pas that you don't forgive:
well, I will not talk about the mismatched foundation, the black eyebrow tattoo or the clumpy mascara etc...  All these are unforgivable mistakes, of course,  but what is more serious is those people who suffer from acne and who keep touching their faces. For god's sake, stop touching your face!!! This will make your problem worse.
  • The fashion mistake / faux pas that you don't forgive:
Following fashion blindly ,without caring whether it looks good on you or suits your body type or not, is a NO-NO.
  • How old are you?
I'm 22 years old.
  • What is your favourite food?
Kamouneya (كمونية ) yummmmmmmy. I love this food. I can actually eat it for the rest of my life :)
  • Why did you create you blog?
To be inspired and inspire my readers to be healthier. Since I've decided to change my lifestyle, everything has changed in my life :) I've become more positive and optimistic and I wanted to share these feelings with you My Muses :))
  • You can't go out without....? (mascara, lipstick...)
well I can go out without makeup, it's not a problem for me but if I have to choose it will be a mascara :)
  • Your favourite blog:
I'll choose two ( I know I'm breaking the rules Alma :p): Mon journal pas très intime  well let me say it I'M ADDICTED TO THIS BLOG everything is special in this blog, the breathtaking pictures, the music, and Jess of course ( she is unique) and the second blog is Diaries of me blind optimistic : what can be better than a beautiful, cheerful and optimistic girl who blogs in english and tounsi :)) you should definitely visit her blog <3

I 've answered all the questions and now it is time to tag some of the pretty girls to answer my questions :))
I tag: 
* Mon journal pas très intime 
* Diaries of me blind optimistic
* Mode et Beauté 
* A girl beauty stuff
* Sahar hair 'n' beauty
Here are my questions: 

- What is your biggest dream?

- 3 adjectives that best describe you?
- What is your dream job?
- What is your dream country to visit and why?
-What is your favourite book?
- If there's one movie you have to tell me to watch, what movie would that be?
- What is your favourite / go-to item in your wardrobe?
- What is your biggest flaw?
- What is your greatest quality?
- What is your favourite time of day?
- Your best childhood memory?

I'm waiting to read your answers girls :) Big Kiss :*

lundi 18 mars 2013

Popeye Got It Right: Eat Spinach

I'm Popeye the Sailor Man...I'm Popeye the Sailor Man...I'm strong to the finich Cause I eats me Spinach...I'm Popeye the Sailor Man
Come on ladies, we all know Popeye that Pipe-smoking sailor man who has very high moral values and speakes in very mangled english. He is also famous for gaining superhuman strengh and power when he eats his spinach and he often battles for the love of Olive Oly with Bluto.
Well I don't know about you girls but I've always been a huge fan of this cartoon as I believe it's a good example for kids not only for Popeye's famous quote " I yam what I yam" which teachs childrean to develop self acceptance and self esteem but also for encouraging them to eat spinach.
So let's discover together why does Popeye eat spinach?

In fact, among the world's healthiest vegetables spinach comes out at the top of the ranking list for nutrient richness: 
  • Spinach is very low in calories and fats and it contains a good amount of solble dietary fiber.
  • Spinach is a rich source of iron. it's one of the richest among green leafy vegetables.
  • Spinach is also a good source of Vitamin A which is required for maintaining healthy skin and essential for normal eye-sight .
  • Spinach is an excellent source of Vitamin K which plays a vital role in strenghthening the bone mass.
  • Spinach contains a good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper and zinc.
In addition, Spinach tastes very good so here is some ways to incorporate spinach into your meals:
  • You can add Spinach to your salad.
  • You can make a stuffed turkey escalope with spinach and chesse as i did the other day (so yummy).

  • You can make green juice with spinach 
So girls after knowing the benefits of Spinach and the easy ways to incorporate it in your meals, you have no excuse not to eat Spinach everyday :) And now i leave you to watch one of my favourite Popeye the sailor man's episodes <3 I hope you like my post, don't forget  to like my facebook page MY Muse: The Blog  and leave you comments below because YOU ARE MY MUSE :) Love you all

dimanche 10 mars 2013

My Tasty Sunday Lunch

When the weekend comes I enjoy spoiling myself. I have usually more time and I am in a good mood. SO, today's post is about my healthy and delicious lunch.

I LOVE mashed potatoes but the traditional recipe is made with loads of butter, cream and salt which makes this delicious recipe bad for our health. And because i believe that we can always create our healthy version of our favourites food I've decided to make my favourite meal healthier.

My recipe is very easy. you just need : 2 potatoes, 1 garlic, 1 boiled egg, 1/2 low fat natural yagurt (for the creamy texture), salt and pepper and chopped herbs.

Next to the mushed potatoes, I've made a salad ( i eat salad almost everyday) for more nutrients such as fiber and proteins.
My salad is made with romaine and butter lettuces, carrot, fennel and tomatoe.

And finally, I've prepared a delicious fresh orange juice.

So this post is an answer for those who wonder if we can make healthy and tasty meals. I hope you like these simple recipes and don't forget to comment because YOU ARE MY MUSE <3

vendredi 8 mars 2013

Diet is "DIE" with a "T"

"If dieting worked, there would be a bunch of skinny people walking around" so my morning advice for you ladies is STOP DIETING AND START LIVING.

I guess you've probably heard this terms hundred times before :  Water diet, vegetarian diet, low-carb diet etc... Do you know girls what the common points between all these diets? They are all BORING, PAINFUL and most importantly they all FAIL in the end no matter how hard you try. So let me explain for you the reasons why all these diets fail,

First of all let me explain why did i choose to make this post now. In fact, yesterday i spend the day with my best friend MARWA and i noticed from the first time i met her that her face was pale and she was less active than usual. After 2 or 3 hours from our meeting she confessed to me that she had started dieting and she didn't eat barely anything for 3 days. Honestly, i couldn't stop myself from laughing especially when i saw her packed lunch ( if i could call it so :p) a salad box with one kind of lettuce, a table spoon of corn and with no dressing. you can imagine how it tasted and looked like!!!!  she admitted then to being very hungry and she decided to stop dieting. Personally, i feel sorry for her and for all the people who starve themselves to lose weight so i decided to make a post to explain why diets are usually useless.

I don't know about you girls but the word "DIET" is depressing to me for main FOUR reasons :

  • Diets are too strict: Most of the diets forbid your favourite foods like chocolate and pizza which make you feel deprived. You might resist but you will end up stuffing yourself with those forbidden foods to make up for days of self denial.
         Solution: Don't deprive yourself. you can eat a small chocolate bar from time to time or you can make a healthy homemade pizza. Just be honest with yourself about portion sizes.

  • Diets are temporary: Diets are a quick fix to lose weight which means after achieving your goal you will probably return to your old eating habits and thus gaing weight again.
        Solution: Make a permanent, postitive change in your lifestyle. Try out new healthy foods and find ways to make your favourite foods healthier that make you stick to.

  • Dieting to be thin: Most of the people diet with the goal of being thin, but being thin doesn't necessarily mean you are healthy. If you are not following a healthy lifestyle you might encounter health issues.
        Solution:  Learn to love yourself. You don't need to be skinny to look beautiful or to be happy. Love you body and treat it well because it's the only place you have to live. So be HEALTHY.

  • Diets can slow down your metabolism: Losing weight and gaining it again make your metabolism slow down which means you will burn fewer calories at rest and when you eat your body will store as much fat as possible fearing the next famine when you diet. This makes it harder for you to lose weight and keep it off.
         Solution: eat 5 small healthy meals a day which prevents you from feeling hungry and your body from storing bad fats. Start exercising : Aerobic exercise, for example, helps keep your metabolic rate high.

So stop starving yourself girls and change your lifestyle instead. It's easier, healthier and more excited. 

                                                Your body is priceless … Treasure it!!!!

samedi 2 mars 2013

A Whole Page About ME!!! A Dream Come True

Starting blogging has always been my dream, and here i am achieving this dream again through my second post :)
I think it's the right time to know who is behind this words. So let me start introducing myself :)

I'm a young crazy and rebel girl whose name is NESRINE ( thanks dad for this beautiful name :} ) and i'm 22. I study English literature and civilization (which means that I'm not a nutritionist, personal trainer or makeup artist). I'm just a girl who is proud to be Tunisian, feminist, humanist, booklover, and a makeup geek. I love ART in general ( Music, Cinema, Drawing) and i believe that everything in this life is a sort of Art. As you can guess I'm a Purple Lover too <3 Purple is not just a color for me, it's rather a symbol of passion, intelligence, love, wisdom and strength. My life is full of dreams and i think that as far as i believe in myself and i work hard i will fulfill my dreams and one of my BIGGEST dreams is to become a Special Effects MakeUp Artist because i'm a massive HORROR movies fun. 

I've decided to creat my blog in the first of March as this month is full of pretty good events for me : the Holiday and my brother and niece's birthday so i said why i don't add another good event with the birth of my new blog and i named it MY MUSE. In fact, in Greek mythology "Muses" were nine goddesses of song who inspired people with their beautiful lyrics and melody and this the aim of my blog : to get inspired by you as well as inspire you to live a healthy, beautiful and optimistic life through different kind of posts. I will share with you my workout routine, healthy recipes, tips to quit smoking or to help your loved ones to quit, beauty and fashion ideas, anything and everything that can inspire me. 
So if you have any blog post suggestion feel free to comment because YOU ARE MY MUSE :)

"I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress, How you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is ART"

vendredi 1 mars 2013

Spring Mood

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Morning everyone :) Today is the first of March which means it's spring time. Time to clean and nourish our spirit and although it's still winter here in Tunisia  i believe that spring can always be in our souls <3 Let me start, I've created this blog to share with you the blogging experience and the big changes that have occurred in my life these last couple of weeks
First of all, i was addicted to smoking, I've spend 3 years of my life smoking at least 10 cigarettes per day :/ i didn't realize the damage i was causing for my health as well as my beauty. It all started on February the 13th ( yeah a day before Valentine's Day :) very inspiring isn't? ) when my boyfriend suggested that we quit smoking together so that we could support each other. I can't deny, i was so motivated that i agreed. Now, it's been 2 weeks since i quit smoking and i feel soooo good : I breathe easily, my senses of smell and taste have been improved, my friend told me that i look prettier after quitting :) and most importantly i can go up to the 3rd floor of my university without feeling tightness in my chest . However,i have to confess, quitting smoking is not that easy ( nor is it hard since if i can do it, you can do it too) i found difficulties in staying awake and energetic all the day but tiredness and laziness are normal and common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, so DON'T WORRY nothing serious :) 
Anyway, i will make detailed articles about my personal journey to quit smoking.

Now, let's talk about the 2 big change that I DECIDED to make in my life :) As i quit smoking to protect my health i was afraid from facing a new battle: WEIGHT GAIN and to be honest i don't feel good in my body anymore. So i decided to change my lifestyle to a healthier one ( no more Diets). I know that this will not be easy especially that i spend most of the day at university surrounded by tens of junk food restaurants but what's important is our determination and motivation that's why i keep saying to myself that i should eat healthy for my life and not to loss weight. 

I think that you may now know what my blog will be about!! NO, it will not only be about my new lifestyle journey BUT ALSO about everything that inspires me in this life. At the end, i want to thank you for reading this post and  it will mean the world to me if you leave your comments below because YOU ARE MY MUSE :))