"If dieting worked, there would be a bunch of skinny people walking around" so my morning advice for you ladies is STOP DIETING AND START LIVING.
I guess you've probably heard this terms hundred times before : Water diet, vegetarian diet, low-carb diet etc... Do you know girls what the common points between all these diets? They are all BORING, PAINFUL and most importantly they all FAIL in the end no matter how hard you try. So let me explain for you the reasons why all these diets fail,
First of all let me explain why did i choose to make this post now. In fact, yesterday i spend the day with my best friend MARWA and i noticed from the first time i met her that her face was pale and she was less active than usual. After 2 or 3 hours from our meeting she confessed to me that she had started dieting and she didn't eat barely anything for 3 days. Honestly, i couldn't stop myself from laughing especially when i saw her packed lunch ( if i could call it so :p) a salad box with one kind of lettuce, a table spoon of corn and with no dressing. you can imagine how it tasted and looked like!!!! she admitted then to being very hungry and she decided to stop dieting. Personally, i feel sorry for her and for all the people who starve themselves to lose weight so i decided to make a post to explain why diets are usually useless.
I don't know about you girls but the word "DIET" is depressing to me for main FOUR reasons :
I don't know about you girls but the word "DIET" is depressing to me for main FOUR reasons :
- Diets are too strict: Most of the diets forbid your favourite foods like chocolate and pizza which make you feel deprived. You might resist but you will end up stuffing yourself with those forbidden foods to make up for days of self denial.
Solution: Don't deprive yourself. you can eat a small chocolate bar from time to time or you can make a healthy homemade pizza. Just be honest with yourself about portion sizes.
- Diets are temporary: Diets are a quick fix to lose weight which means after achieving your goal you will probably return to your old eating habits and thus gaing weight again.
Solution: Make a permanent, postitive change in your lifestyle. Try out new healthy foods and find ways to make your favourite foods healthier that make you stick to.
- Dieting to be thin: Most of the people diet with the goal of being thin, but being thin doesn't necessarily mean you are healthy. If you are not following a healthy lifestyle you might encounter health issues.
Solution: Learn to love yourself. You don't need to be skinny to look beautiful or to be happy. Love you body and treat it well because it's the only place you have to live. So be HEALTHY.
- Diets can slow down your metabolism: Losing weight and gaining it again make your metabolism slow down which means you will burn fewer calories at rest and when you eat your body will store as much fat as possible fearing the next famine when you diet. This makes it harder for you to lose weight and keep it off.
Solution: eat 5 small healthy meals a day which prevents you from feeling hungry and your body from storing bad fats. Start exercising : Aerobic exercise, for example, helps keep your metabolic rate high.
So stop starving yourself girls and change your lifestyle instead. It's easier, healthier and more excited.
Your body is priceless … Treasure it!!!!
i'd say this is an EXCELLENT post ! ill just add a great tip to help u lose the weight and it is working for me, now it's been only a week!Lemon water and here is the recipe http://pinterest.com/pin/245375879669823427/
RépondreSupprimergreat post!
xoxo Marwa
your comment made my day marwa :) and thank you for the tip, i'll definitely try it :)
Supprimersuper billet keep going girl <3
RépondreSupprimerThank you Yosr for encouraging me from the beginning:) you're a wonderful person <3 Big KISS
SupprimerPerfect Post !!! ♥ :D !!!!
RépondreSupprimerand a perfect comment that makes me smile :) thank you <3